Discover the Secret of Living

a Happy Lifestyle

I believe we all make it because of three things ... grace, naps, and cookies!

Discover Secret of Living a Happy Lifestyle

I believe we all make it because of three things ... grace, naps, and cookies!

"But, Tammie, the link above doesn't have what I need... I need more..."

Consider one of these...

3 Hour Intensives

Eliminate excuses and excel in life and business.

6 Week Intensives

Take a break from reality when needed.

VIP Days

... and to do so, unapologetically on purpose with a smile on your face and a cookie in each hand.

Get the Best Life


Be Your Best Self

Laugh more, learn more and accomplish more with Tamminsanity

When life throws you lemons, make Lemon Cookies

Learn why you NEED to press into your passion

Many will try... YOU will SUCCEED

You don't have to go it alone...

Working For Your

Better Lifestyle

Get the motivation, guidance, and support you need to get your life on track.

Learn to let go of what no longer serves you!

We will take a deep dive into the people, places, things, and ideas that have that ambitious, creative, visionary spirit within you locked up and broken.

Have access to resources that not only work, but HELP!

GGEAC books, workbooks, and courses are designed to get you past having a "good feeling" and lead to you getting a TRUE and living breakthrough!



Tammie is a Dream Maker for Dream Chasers! I didn't know what to do with what I had and what I was going through...until I picked up the phone and called her. Now, I have seen my dream of being an author as well as conference host come to pass -- all while being a wife, mother, and business owner.

D. Gates



I wasn't going to participate since I had gone through one of Tammie's programs already. I thought it would be the same type of information as the other program, just in a different package. Boy was I WRONG! The GGEAC program is an in depth, personal look into who you are and giving you permission to become who you always wanted to be or become a better version of who you already are. This program taught me so much about who I am and the strength I possess and permission to give myself the grace that I give everyone else. I highly recommend Girl, Go Eat A Cookie then Handle Business and all other programs she has in her arsenal.

T. Smith



Tammie, the GGEAC book, and the GGEAC Facebook group have been the confirmation I needed to move forward. I'm loving it!

F. Sellers



Being in the GGEAC group has been nothing short of amazing and, as always, eye opening. This group provides that breath of fresh air that I didn't know I needed until I realized that, on some days, I wasn't breathing at all.

S. Nelson

Let's Handle Business!

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Website Design and hosting by Rebecca Harmon Coaching LLC